Friday, September 24, 2010

The Lobotomist

The Lobotomist was very interesting, the movie did a good job of showing both sides of the story. It's really weird to think that this used to be the normal thing to do not too long ago.

I do not think Walter Freeman was a good man. He was doing all these things for the wrong reasons. He wanted people to know his name and know that he was the best at lobotomy. He didn't care about the patients and if this was really the best thing for them. He was ruthless about the procedures and didn't take them seriously at all. Promises were made by him that could not be kept, just to be able to do more lobotomies. I think what he was doing was sick and disgusting.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


This infamous couple has been in the headlines for everything from Heidi's many plastic surgerys to her and Spencer's many break ups. They started dating during the show The Hills, a drama filled show of their lives.

The social-culture perspective is very clear from this show. They are influenced by their up class California lifestyle and all their materialistic friends. 

Speidi strives to shock and rise above everyones expectations, which shows the humanistic aspect of psychology. Heidi loves to show off her huge diamond ring Spencer gave to her. They both also love to show off their new modern mansion they purchased. They are obsessed with spending and out doing everyone else, and making sure everyone knows this.

From the cognitive view, Heidi and Spencer think that fame and fortune will bring happiness to their lives. They go on reality shows so people will know who they are.

For Speidi, seeing theirselves in headlines makes their brains release endorphines which make them happy for a certain amount of time. Then they want that feeling again so they do something else to show up in the news. Spencer used to go to bars and hit on women, while they were married, probably because he has too many hormones. This is the biological perspective.

If you look at the behavioral perspective you'll find that Speidi gets paid to be on television shows and what not, rewarding them for doing it. At one point Heidi was thinking of doing a shoot for playboy, she found this appealing because of all the attention from males and the money she would receive.

Heidi doesn't get the attention from Spencer that she would like so she likes to show off her body to prove she is worth the attention. This shows the psychodynamic perspective.

Intro about me!

My name is Bailey and I've been living in Wisconsin since 6th grade. My dad is retired Navy so we used to move around a lot. I was born in Virginia Beach, Virginia and lived there till I was about five. Then we moved to Michigan, then back to Virginia for fourth grade. After that we went back to Michigan again and I did fifth grade there. Finally we ended up here! We kept our house in Michigan so we go back to visit family a lot.
I love shopping and buying new things. I'm obsessed with jewelry and make up. When I get older I'm hoping I can go to school for hair, nails, and make up then eventually open my own salon. I also want to be an addiction therapist. And if I still have time I want to get a degree in graphic design and go into advertising.
Another thing I love to do is hang out with my friends. I'm a very social person and I like to have a lot of different friends too. I always want to meet new people.
Eventually I want to travel to different states and places overseas. I really want to tour Amsterdam and Paris. I think it would be so much fun to walk around their downtown and go out to eat at fancy restauraunts!