Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams & Latent Content

I had a dream that people were killed in my house but I didn't really care about the people as much as I did the blood. There was blood all through out the house and I absolutely hate blood. I went on a couple sights and they said it could show that I have a lot of passion for something. I'm not too sure what it is but now I'll be thinking about it.
When I was little I had this dream that I remember very well about being chased then bitten by a spider. A couple websites I looked at said it could be because of disagreements with an over bearing mother. That makes sense because my mom has always been strict and I've always fought with her about things.
I used to have a reoccuring dream about being in a jungle and I could never get out. I would always wake up scared and confused. This could be because I felt lost and trapped at the time. I think it's right because it was when I was always getting in trouble and things were going downhill. After things got better these dreams went away though.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Little Albert Questions

1. The article makes it sound like the results supported the hypothesis. They gave him the objects and used the metal bar to scare him. Later when he was presented the objects without the metal bar he was still afraid of them.
2. Instead of just being afraid of rats he was also afraid of other furry smaller items too, like rabbits and a santa clause mask.
3. They paired rabbits with pleasant items like ice cream or attention and Peter began to lose the fear.


It made me think about if I was the one being bullied, I would hate to feel like the outcast. It would be really hard to come to school everyday and know that you're going to get picked on. I think it's acceptable to make little jokes with your friends, just not too often. Once you start making fun of people you don't know and you actually mean it, then it's unacceptable. At school I can be a leader and step in when people are getting bullied and refuse to take part in anything like that.